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  • Writer's pictureSarah Varghese


Weekly Report: 3/26 - 4/1

The highlight of this past week was my UNT material science lab visit. I got to see up close what fancy engineering and science labs looked like. This really helped me see what my future holds. Hopefully, I will either be working in one of these labs or working with people who will be working in one of these labs.

All the professors and students at UNT were more than welcoming to me and really helped me get a feel for college life, something that is coming up soon for me. I didn’t expect to get insight into college from the visit since I was more focused on learning about material science and composites.

I learned a lot about how engineering is taught at a college level. It was very interesting especially since I have not had any sort of engineering education or training. Most of this visit was just introducing me to what engineering and material science are like in the real world. Seeing up close machinery and students at work was very enlightening. Furthermore, I never realized all the complexities and inter workings of STEM fields and how they are all connected.

Going forward, I need to finalize my material for my exoskeleton. I also need to meet with my mentor because it has been a while. This weekend fell through because of Easter and Good Friday, but hopefully we will meet in the near future.

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