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  • Writer's pictureSarah Varghese

Sucker punch.

This past week was such a struggle. Everything just hit me at once. School. Life. All of it. ISM being a bit slow really helped. ISM is picking up this week, but that’s exactly what I need. It’s my favorite class so honestly it helps me and motivates me to get through the day. Last week, our research presentations were the main focus. I had to really practice on my pace and the information I chose to include because I can talk for ages, especially about my topic. I tend to seem out of breath when I get really excited and because I often end up fairly excited, I kind of get out of breath. Practice always helps with this.

The other major MAJOR thing this week is the original work proposal. I’ve been struggling with this for quite a while. I’m torn between doing something about gender inequality and writing policy that can increase female interest in engineering and create a more level playing field and doing something more specific to astronautical engineering like the effects of zero gravity and the complexities of ISS repair. The plan is to ask the two professionals I’m interviewing this week about their take on my dilemma.

I am beyond excited to interview with Corrie Hunt. I haven’t really interviewed anyone currently working in astronautical engineering and on top of that she’s a woman! This means she will have really good insight for my original work proposal and help me come to a final decision. She has a lot of experience in astronautical engineering because of her years with Boeing’s International Space Station Program.

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